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This is your complete kit to understand Norwegians at work and in everyday life. It includes Norway's five most popular books on the Norwegian culture, food and language in English. 


"The Social Guidebook to Norway: An Illustrated Introduction" gives an entertaining introduction to the Norwegian culture. This is Julien S. Bourrelle's best selling book on Norwegian culture with more that 60 000 copies sold.  


"The Social Guidebook to Norway: Friendships and Relationships" gives a more in depth description of how socialization, friendships and relationships work in Norway.


"High on the Pear: Funny Norwegian Translations" presents 125 funny Norwegian expressions explained in English and Norwegian. Illustrated by Elise H. Kollerud.


"The 100 Unwritten Norwegian Social Laws" presents 100 unwritten laws that Norwegians follow, but will most probably never tell you! Written by Egil Aslak A. Hagerup.


"Norwegian Food: Do they really eat this" welcomes you to the weird and surprising world of Norwegian food traditions. It takes you through 22 dishes Norwegians have developed since the Viking age and which continue to be popular today. Each is illustrated with humour and presented with its historical context, the conservation techniques used, and its social and economic significance. Written by Arnt Steffensen.


The Norwegian Toolkit

kr 1 363,00 Vanlig pris
kr 999,00Salgspris

  • If you are a customer outside Scandinavia, you can also buy these books on Amazon in B&W softcover.

    If you buy the books on this website, you will get them in hardcover and in colour. They will be sent from Norway we therefore need to charge for shipping.


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