While many around the world enjoy warmth and Sun, Norwegians grow up with a unique relationship to nature.
They have a saying for this that keeps them in a positive mood despite the horrible weather conditions.

"Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær"
"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."
Climate shapes cultures. It influences people's behaviours, rituals, role models and values. The challenging weather in Norway this winter may may help outsider to understand better part of the Norwegian culture:
How people relate to others
How people relate to strangers
How people make friends
How they eat
How they meet
How they interact
How they party
Weather, like most things in life, is as bad as you make it to be. Change your mindset, buy a proper jacket and do not let the weather stop you. You will feel as happy as a Norwegian.
And notice, Norwegians stay positive and try to make the best out of every situation - take your skis to work and enjoy this unique situation.

This is a great quality of Norwegians to keep positive and see the bright side of things. Adopting such an approach to life will help you enjoy Norway more, and probably make you happier in the long run.
Some cultures have a tendency to complain as part of their cultural rituals, for instance the French, which may require more effort to adapt to Scandinavia!
Enjoy Norway!