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Conversations in Norway

In many countries around the world, when conversations become a little awkward, you find something to comment about.

Source: "The Social Guidebook to Norway" by Julien S. Bourrelle

The conversation starts again, It flows easily and the awkwardness goes away quickly.

Conversations in Norway work a little bit differently. Unframed discussions are more challenging.

With an acquaintance in Norway:

- You will go to a quiz rather than for a coffee.

- You will play a game rather than discussing the news.

- You will go walking in the mountain rather than reflecting together on the world.

Having open discussion with acquaintances is less common.

If you want to discuss politics, sign up in a political organisation.

If you want to discuss art, sing up in an art club.

If you want to discuss feelings, get an appointment with a psychologist!

Commenting on something, and expecting an easy follow up, may not work as well as you did expect.

"Nice Flowers". Source: "The Social Guidebook to Norway" by Julien S. Bourrelle

Welcome to Norway where communication may require a frame and a reason in order to work well.

The Norwegian Toolkit (English books - Norwegian Culture)


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