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This book presents 100 most important unwritten laws that Norwegians follow, but will most probably never tell you! It complement Julien S. Bourrelle’s Social Guidebooks to Norway with new insights into Norwegian Social behaviours.


It is an adaptation to English by Elise H. Kollerud of Egil Aslak A. Hagerup Norwegian bestseller “Norges uskrevne lover”. 


You may also order this book together with our other books on the Norwegian culture, see "The Norwegian Toolkit".



The 100 Unwritten Norwegian Social Laws

kr 228,00Pris
  • 128 pages, 25 color Illustrations, 150mmx150mm, 1st Edition, 5th Print (2024)


    Also available on Amazon in Black & White soft cover and ebook (Kindle).

  • Egil Aslak Aursand Hagerup is known in Norway as a comedy writer for web, comic books, radio and television. He studied political science and sociology. Egil also authored Talerens Lille Sleipe, Norske Standarder and I tilfelle dommedag, enkel beredskap for vanlige folk.


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